Rein Haljand, Ph.D.
Professor of Kinesiology, Tallinn University
Residence: Tallinn, Estonia
|  |
1975 |
Ph.D. Moscow Central Institute of Physical
Education |
Thesis on: "The Technique of Fly Swimming
Movements and The Possible Improvement Methods" |
1966 |
BSc. Tallinn Pedagogical University. Faculty
of Physical Education |
Work experience:
2016 |
Estonian Olympic Committee Honorary Member |
2012 |
Professor Emeritus, Tallinn University |
1986 - 2016 |
Member of Technical Commitee, European
Swimming Federation (LEN) |
1992 - 2012 |
Professor of Kinesiology, Faculty of Physical
Education, Tallinn University (TLU) |
1992 - 2005 |
Dean, Faculty of Physical Education, TLU |
2001 - 2002 |
Vice President, Estonian Olympic Committee
(EOC) |
1997 - 2001 |
Secretary General, EOC |
1985 - 1999 |
Swimming Referee, International Swimming
Federation (FINA) |
1991 - 1995 |
President of Estonian Swimming Federation |
Research and practical implementation:
"Swimming Technique, Starts and Turns Complex Analysis; Computer
Practical implementation since 1980 in the preparation of swimmers of
the national swimming federations in Estonia, Finland, The Soviet Union,
Russia, Sweden, Norway, The UK, Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Latvia,
Lithuania, Canada, Australia, and others.
"The Analysis Models for Swimming Competitions, Hardware and Software"
Practical implementation in all European Swimming Championships since
1986; World Swimming Championsips and the Olympic Games swimming programs.
Organizer of LEN swimming coaches clinics during European Championships
and regional LEN clinics.
Co-author of book "Perfect Swimming - Technique and Tactics" written by prof. R.Haljand and T.Tamp, (c) 2007.
In this book authors analyze world best swimmers' technique models. Swimmers analyzed in this book have earned their names in the world of swimming by
having noteable titles, records and medals such as Ian Thorpe, Lars Frölander, Aleksandr Popov, Jani Sievinen, Mark Foster, Inge
de Bruin, Therese Alshammar, Anna-Karin Kammerling, Johanna Sjöberg, Emma Igelström, Otylia Jædrzejczak, Bartosz Kizierowski, Peter Mankoè, Oleg Lisogor,
Andrei Serdinov and many more. In total more than 1000 swimmers have been analyzed.
Internationally acknowledged lecturer in seminars and conferences on "The
Methods of Testing and Teaching The Technique of Swimming Styles, Starts
and Turns" and "Competition Analysis in Swimming"
Lectures, conferences, meetings, consultations and
conventions since 1980 in over 100 different countries.
Lectures in Tallinn Pedagocial University since 1966
on swimming and watersports, kinesiology, biomechanics, the theory of
physical sports and sport workouts